The Royal wedding between between Lady Diana and Prince
Charles on 29th considered as Wedding of the
twenteenth century.This part continues the stamps and postal
articles released by other countries on that historical occasion
The Royal wedding between between Lady Diana and Prince Charles on
29th considered as Wedding of the twenteenth
century.Eventhough the end of this marriage was tragic and anti -climax
the marriage of Lady Diana was always remembered as her funeral.Both of
the events made big impact through out the world.Lady Diana most
remembered person.
During this marriage several countries released
lot of postal articles like commemorative stamps,First-day covers,Stamp
booklets,Omnibus-stamps ect.They are very beautiful and collectors
delight.Britain is famous for thier specialisation in postage
stamps.They released beutiful stamps,booklet,firstday covers ect.
the booklet they gave details about Prince Charles and Lady Diana and
thier family tree.In that we understand both of them are from same
family root.
Apart from Britain other countries like Ascension
Island,Barbados,Bermuda,Brunei,Caymen Island,Falkland Island and
Island,Fiji,Gambia,Hongkong,Lesotho,Mauritius,Norfolk Island,Pitcairn
Island,St.Helena,Samoa,Sierra leone,Solomon Islands,Swaziland,Tristan da
cunha,Vanuatu,British Virgin Islands,Jersey,Gurensey,Isle of
Man,Anguilla,Australia,Cocos (Keeling) Islands,Cook
Zealand,Niue,Antigua,Ghana,Jamaica,Saint Lucia,Kenya,Tonga,Nevis,ect.